[C3GI 2017] Invited speakers

Structural and Functional Neural Correlates of Emotional Responses to Music

Gianluca SusiLaboratory of Cognitive and Computational Neuroscience (U. Complutense de Madrid, U. Politécnica de Madrid)

The sophisticated signal processing techniques developed during last years for structural and functional imaging methods allow us to detect abnormalities of brain connectivity in brain disorders with unprecedented detail. Interestingly, recent works shed light on both functional and structural underpinnings of musical anhedonia (i.e., the individual’s incapacity to enjoy listening to music). On the other hand, computational models based on brain simulation tools are being used more and more for mapping the functional consequences of structural abnormalities. The latter could help to better understand the mechanism that is impaired in people unable to derive pleasure from music, and formulate hypotheses on how music acquired reward value. The presentation gives an overview of today’s studies and proposes a possible simulation pipeline to reproduce such scenario.

Brain and Art

Guiomar Niso – Center for Biomedical Technology (U. Complutense de Madrid, U. Politécnica de Madrid)

In this talk we will explore new horizons of brain dynamics and art, and their relation with human creativity.

New approaches in music generation from tonal and modal perspectives

María NavarroBISITE Group, Universidad de Salamanca

In the literature, there are plenty of works centered on generating music from a classical perspective, reflecting through machine learning as well as bioinspired paradigms, harmonic rules proposed by composers like Schonberg or Riemman. However, only a few works have addressed the generation of popular music. Such genres, transmitted orally from generation to generation, proposes new challenges in the music learning and generation process.